To do the To-do List

1. Set your priorities. Specific. Everyone has different priorities. If success is your goal, then spend most of your time doing things that will step you towards success. Think: Will this thing that I’m doing do good later in life?

2. Get everyone in. Everyone in your life — from your partner, to parents, boss, colleagues – should know what is most important aim in your life and should understand how you value time. This agreement allows you to handle everything else that comes your way.

3. Track your time. Most people have no clue what they do with their time but still complain that they don’t have enough. If you don’t know how much time you have — or need — how can you expect to manage it? What you could do is note down how much time you spent on each activity during the day and how did fare!

4. Prioritize your priorities. No explanation. Your most important work of the day should be completed first. It’s when you do all the small bits of work which you think wouldn’t take up time. But they actually end up eating the maximum time.

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