How to Select the Right Type of Office for Your Team?

When you lease an office, do not just think in terms of the square feet of space you’ll require. Think in terms of the team who will work there, spend one-half of their lives there. The most important question is whether the office will be the right professional setting for inspiring and productive work that […]

How to Have a Running Office Without Actually Running It?

Serviced offices. What a boon for people in business! Serviced offices are fully furnished and equipped offices for rent which are designed to enhance productivity, creativity and work culture. The operative word is ‘serviced’ and that’s what makes them a smart choice for people in business –whether individuals or small, medium and even large enterprises. […]

A Shared Office: The Profitable Asset In Your Business Centre

If you look at the assets listed by most business centres on their balance sheets, you are not likely to see ‘shared offices’ on the list. But shared offices are a profitable and asset in more ways than one might think. Consider the facts. Business centres are generally located in areas that have expensive real […]

Serviced Offices: The Right Choice Of Businesses Today

Have you noticed a trend in some of the most successful businesses today?  They tend not to have offices of their own. Most of them are turning towards a smarter solution:  getting a serviced office. This is not a decision they have taken lightly. They are opting for a serviced office simply because it makes […]

How To Make Your Serviced Office The One That Stands Out

Serviced offices — or fully managed, furnished, and equipped workspaces on rent — are springing up everywhere. How can you make yours that stand out among the rest? The answer includes tangible and intangible aspects, both important in creating differentiation. Since first impressions count, it pays to make your serviced office look inviting. Serviced offices […]

Why Remote Workers Plan to Return to Shared Office Space?

Sooner or later, post-Pandemic shocks will lessen. The slow transition to a new way of life – the ‘new normal’ – will begin. What will happen to the work scenario?  Will people still want to work remotely?  When the lock-down was imposed, there was no choice. Quite abruptly, an entire workforce of thousands of people […]

What Makes Serviced Offices a Smart Business Decision

There’s something about a ‘serviced’ office that beats working from an owned or leased office (with all its infrastructural and staffing hassles) or from home (with all its distractions). The operative word is ‘serviced’. You can walk into a fully-furnished and equipped office, with your desk clean and orderly, everything in place—inviting you to forget […]

What Changes Does The Workplace Need to do Because of The Pandemic?

The Pandemic has brought many changes in its wake, giving rise to a new phrase in our vocabulary: the new normal. As people start returning to work, the office will see a lot of changes coming into effect. Making the place where we work Pandemic-proof be a challenge. It will require new working patterns that […]

Qualities That Make Business Centers Unique

Business centers in India started out as spaces in hotels with computers and desks for hotel guests on business trips. This service evolved into specially designed workspaces for individuals as well as companies. And so was born the modern business center. A host of factors make a business center unique –different from just a collection […]

Virtual Office Life after Lockdown – What to Expect?

As we take uncertain steps in the not-so-brave new world after the lockdown, a ‘new normal’ will become commonplace. Offices will, by and large, not return to the pre-COVID-19 era. There will be a complete change in look and feel. Seating will be redefined to conform to social distancing norms, so there will be far […]