World Wide Virtual Offices – Enjoy Business Beyond Borders

Nowadays, technology has made every impossible possible, as a result of these people are getting more involved in many different activities. The purpose of virtual offices is to provide you the opportunity of having a virtual presence in more than one potential market. A personalized telephone answering service, the automatic transmission of messages as well […]

10 Things to Include in Your Startup Pitch Presentation I

6. Marketing/Sales You’ll want to show the market size for your product. This can include profiles of target customers, but be prepared to answer questions about the cost of acquiring these customers. Not knowing this information is a red flag to investors. If you already have sales, you can discuss your growth and forecast future […]

10 Things to Include in Your Startup Pitch Presentation

When you pitch to investors or venture capitalists, assume that you are not going to have a lot of time. Investors constantly get pitched, so it’s important to catch their attention quickly and engage them by keeping it simple. Here, we’ve listed the 10 components that investors care about the most and how you should […]

Greatest Enemy of Today’s Entrepreneur- Wishful Thinking

It’s been said that in warfare, the greatest enemy of victory is wishful thinking. The same can easily be said for today’s entrepreneur. In its most basic definition, “wishful thinking” means believing something because of a desire that it be true. It’s thinking that ignores fact, and instead, relies on a premise for the conclusion […]

8 Crucial Elements of Startup Success

Most people understand that a high percentage of startups never make it. So what if you could give yourself a leg up on the competition? Below is a list of tips that may help your startup get to the next level. These ideas are not revolutionary, and many successful startups already have these qualities. Why […]

Do What others Call Magic @Work

We are responsible for our actions, for what we do, for our work, and others are responsible for their response to it. (That’s why they call it responsibility.) Though we know we can’t control others, we still snare ourselves in worry trap: What will they think? Will they like it? What will they say? Worse […]

Networking As Never Before

DBS Office Business Centers are the pioneers of “Instant Office” business in India, and have  centers at Bangalore, Kolkatta, Chennai, Mumbai, New Delhi and Secunderabad. Our executive offices are plush, well-furnished, and ready-to-use and are situated in the commercial heart of the city; in close proximity to most governmental agencies, international banks and financial institutions.  […]

The Most Important Pricing Question

How well do your sales people know their customers? No, I’m not talking about knowing basic customer information or buying habits. Rather, I’m talking about knowing how each customer will react to price changes for each product or service they currently pay for. It’s about listening and constantly probing to find the answer to one […]

Avoided by big clients? No more worries!

Business is a tricky and unpredictable game you can never predict an outcome as all you might know is it didn’t go as per planned. No business is static and it moves on an upward track or on its way down & gives you a fair chance to move from your present situation. What if […]

Easy Steps To Set Up Your Own Business.

Bothered by a bickering boss? Want to start your own business? But don’t know where to begin with and where to invest? Let us answer your worries. It’s time for you to sharpen your entrepreneur skills because managing a business is not an ordinary task it needs sheer tactics. A successful Business set up is […]