How To Master Your Workflow
Working is not just a nine to five thing. It’s what you accomplish in that time that really counts. How can you organize your time for greater productivity? Here are some easy ways you can master your workflow: 1. Make a to-do list. People at the top use a to-do list every single day. […]
Being Your Own Boss – And Loving It!
How does it feel to give yourself a pay cheque, a bonus, a promotion? When you are self-employed, you are the boss. What a feeling! But also remember what US President Harry Truman said, “The buck stops here.” The other side of self-employment is self-reliance. Being self-employed is primarily a way to earn an income. […]
Negotiation Is a Two-Way Street
J. Paul Getty, the legendary American industrialist and Founder of Getty Oil, always remembered what his father said: “You must never try to make all the money that’s in a deal. Let the other fellow make some money too, because if you have a reputation for always making all the money, you won’t have many […]
Customer Contacts – Make It Easy And Not A Hassle
“I can get no satisfaction … I tried and I tried and I tried.” Rohit Kapur might well think this song was written with him in mind. He bought an expensive music system from a reputed dealer. The salesman was all smiles as he demonstrated the features, swiped Rohit’s credit card and, still beaming, said: “Contact us […]
How Carbon Offsets Help Reduce the Carbon Footprint
A carbon offset is an emission reduction credit which can be purchased by individuals, businesses and governments to reduce their net GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions. Offsets are purchased from another organisation’s project that results in less carbon dioxide or other GHG in the atmosphere than would otherwise occur. Offsets are so named because they counteract […]
The smart way to get on the fast track to growth
Many business people are quick to generate ideas but slow to turn them into reality. How can you accelerate the process of scaling up without overloading your team? Here are some tried-and-tested ways: Small is beautiful There are many benefits of running a small, tight ship. It enables you to be more flexible and agile […]
Choosing the right brand colours
The human mind is highly responsive to visual stimuli and colour is one of the major defining factors in that response on both conscious and sub-conscious levels. Colour is an important element in a brand’s visual identity. Think of iconic brands whose logos have withstood the test of time. Certain colours are immediately associated with various brands. […]
Keeping your home-based business legal
Starting your own business may be triggered by a new year resolution – or there may be other considerations that may prompt you to start anew. It’s an exciting milestone – which might however become a ‘millstone’ if you don’t take some simple precautions to protect yourself legally. Here are some basic guidelines: Pick the right business […]
The pros and cons of carbon credits
A carbon credit is a permit that allows the holder to emit one ton of carbon dioxide. Credits are awarded to countries or groups that have reduced their green house gases (GHG) below their emission quota. Carbon credits can be traded in the international market at their current market price. The carbon credit system was ratified in […]
CONDOLENCES ON THE DEATH OF TELEGRAM IN INDIA. This was among the last telegrams sent from the Central Telegraph Office (CTO), Mumbai. Thousands of people crowded telegraph offices around India to send their last telegrams as the government shut down the 163-year-old service on July 14, 2013. It marked the end of an era.The telegram […]